Maximizing Injury Awards Since 1980

Year: 2018

Was Your Child Hurt by Hazardous Holiday Gifts?

Parents may be able to recover compensation when a child is injured because of a dangerous toy or other hazardous gifts. The Consumer Product Safety Act of 2008 holds manufacturers accountable for selling products that cause preventable injuries to children. What Parents Should Know According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 240,000 toy-related injuries occurred in the United States in…

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Who Is Liable When Locum Tenens Doctors Make Mistakes?

When a locum tenens doctor makes a medical mistake, like a misdiagnosing a patient, providing improper care or making a surgical error, he or she may be held accountable for the harm caused to the patient. The doctor’s contracted hospital could also be held liable for mistakes made by locum tenens doctors. In some instances, a staffing agency may have…

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What Radiologists Are Missing Could Cost Your Life [infographic]

When radiologists make errors with x-rays, MRIs and ultrasounds they put their patients’ health, and lives, at risk. Failing to detect or report abnormalities found with imaging procedures is considered medical negligence. When patients’ outcomes are negatively affected by this negligence, they or their loved ones could consider filing a medical malpractice claim. (Article continues below infographic) ______ Radiologist Malpractice…

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When Surgical Errors Cause a Stroke

All surgeries carry a risk, but patients and their families suffer when medical professionals make surgical errors or fail to recognize a patient’s risk factors for a stroke before or after surgery. When unexpected deaths, additional surgeries, extended hospital stays, or life-changing disabilities could have been prevented if not for the negligence of medical staff, Indiana patients and their families…

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What’s Driving Healthcare Costs So High?

Insurance contracts that limit providers, enable facilities to conceal fees, and allow hospitals to charge more are driving healthcare costs beyond reasonable limits in the United States. When insurance providers make secret deals with hospital systems, it is the patients who suffer, often with substandard care. Hospital Care is the Greatest Driving Cost In the United States, the single driving…

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When Postpartum Pain Isn’t Normal [infographic]

Failure by doctors to promptly diagnose postpartum pain from hidden injuries can lead to chronic pain and side-effects, including incontinence in women. Identifying minor injuries soon after giving birth helps prevent major complications from developing that could require high-risk surgery or long-term specialized treatment. (Article continues below infographic) Postpartum Pain Often Overlooked It is common for an ob-gyn to dismiss…

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The Civil Justice System: Protecting Your Family

When you hear the word frivolous, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? If you said lawsuit, you’re not alone. The Wall Street Journal reports that eighty-seven percent of voters agree that there are too many lawsuits filed in America. But why do we think that and what kind of lawsuits are we talking about anyway. “You give me…

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50,000 Women in America Are Injured Giving Birth. Will You Be One of Them?

About 50,000 women per year suffer dangerous, and often life-threatening complications from medical mistakes and improper care while pregnant or giving birth in America. Proper medical attention at the onset could prevent pregnancy and delivery complications from spiraling out of control. Women who survive maternal complications can suffer from chronic health problems, infertility, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other severe conditions.…

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What Are Bellwether Trials and How Might They Impact Your Injury Case?

When mass tort litigation is expected with thousands of plaintiffs, a sampling of cases is sent for bellwether trials. The outcomes of these trials act as a litmus test to determine the strength of the cases. When the court sides in favor of Bellwether plaintiffs, the defendant may opt to offer settlements with remaining plaintiffs instead of going to trial.…

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Coming Away from Surgery with Extra Parts [infographic]

Going through the experience of surgery is hard enough, but when surgeons make the mistake of leaving surgical items in patients’ bodies, the health consequences are serious and could be deadly. Available technology, including sponges with electronic tracking devices, could reduce the number of such incidents. (Article continues below infographic) ______ Common Objects Left in the Body after Surgery During…

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