If you’ve ever purchased an auto insurance policy, you understand that choosing from the various types of coverage options can be confusing and overwhelming. However, understanding your auto insurance policy is extremely important to ensure that you have the coverage you expect in the event that you are ever involved in a traffic accident.
Often, you may hear people claim that they have “full coverage” under their auto insurance policy. Although most drivers and policyholders may be under the impression that they have “full coverage,” this is essentially a meaningless term. When people use this term, they often think that they have multiple types of coverage. However, “full coverage” does not exist – no matter how many coverage options you may choose, every option has a coverage limit.
If you have questions about auto insurance coverage, stay tuned for Langer & Langer’s blog series, “Auto Insurance Coverage Explained.” In this blog series, we will explore the various types of auto insurance coverage options, and discuss whether or not you should consider adding each to your insurance policy. We will share a post for each topic over the course of the next few weeks.
Part I: Liability Coverage
Next week, we will discuss liability coverage, which includes bodily injury coverage and property damage coverages, as well as what types of auto insurance coverage are required by Indiana state law.
Part II: Uninsured-Underinsured Coverage
The post for week two will explore uninsured-underinsured coverage and will provide tips and information to help ensure that you are adequately covered.
Weeks three through five will cover:
- Part III: MedPay, Personal Injury Protection
- Part IV: Other Types of Optional Coverage
- Part V: Umbrella Policies
If you have been injured in a car accident, the attorneys at Langer & Langer are here to help. We have extensive experience in personal injury cases and have represented victims of traffic accidents across the state of Indiana. Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any further questions.