Maximizing Injury Awards Since 1980

Insurance Pointers Series: Other Optional Coverage

On Behalf of | Jan 12, 2017 | News

So far in our blog series, we have discussed the different types of liability insurance (including bodily injury coverage and property damage coverage), uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, and an optional type of coverage called medical payment coverage or personal injury protection (PIP). In this post, we will explore other types of auto insurance coverage, including collision insurance, comprehensive insurance, and rental insurance.

Collision Insurance Coverage

Collision insurance pays for damage to your car generally resulting from a collision with another car, object, or as a result of flipping over. It may also cover damage caused by potholes, and pays to replace your car if it is totaled as the result of an accident. Collision insurance is often required if you have bought a new car with a loan.

Comprehensive Insurance Coverage

Comprehensive coverage can help pay for damages to your car that aren’t caused by a collision. For example, comprehensive coverage may help pay for damages to your car due to theft, vandalism, fire, natural disasters (like a tornado or hurricane), falling objects (like tree limbs), as well as damage done to your car by animals or civil disturbances such as riots.

Rental Insurance

If you need a rental car because your car is damaged or you are just traveling, rental car insurance will help pay for the price of your rental. At an average cost of only a few dollars per year, rental insurance is certainly a worthwhile policy option to consider so that you won’t be left in a bind in the event your vehicle gets damaged in a crash. However, if you have collision and comprehensive coverage on your car insurance policy, the cost of your rental car may already be covered, even in the event that your car is totaled. As with any type of insurance, check with your auto insurance agent to confirm exactly what your policy covers.

If something happened to your car, would you be able to repair or replace it? In the event that your car is damaged due to a collision with another vehicle or an unforeseeable event such as a tornado or falling tree limb, there are plenty of policy coverage options to help protect your car.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a traffic accident, the attorneys at Langer & Langer are here to help. We have represented traffic accident victims across the state of Indiana and have extensive experience in personal injury claims. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or are in need of legal assistance.

