Women with high-paying jobs experience a degree of financial success and personal security that may increase their likelihood of filing for divorce.
How Divorce Rates Are impacted by Financial Status
It is not uncommon for divorce lawyers to see increased marital stress and friction brought about by changes in a spouse’s economic status. When one spouse receives a job promotion that requires more time at work, the other spouse may take on more household and family responsibilities. When the wife is the spouse climbing the ladder of financial success, a shift in family roles may create a mismatch of expectations within the family dynamic.
The American Economic Journal reports that women who receive frequent job promotions or work in top management positions experience a higher divorce rate than other working women. In a study of both men and women working in large companies with 100 or more employees, results showed married women were twice as likely as men to be divorced three years after a promotion to a CEO position.
While many couples manage to stay together and raise a family despite changes in financial status, others struggle with hardships due to family issues and financial difficulties that put stress on the marriage. In many cases, couples may stay in an unhappy marriage simply because they do not have the financial resources to live apart. Divorce lawyers often see people who become trapped in unsuccessful marriages due to a lack of financial resources. Fortunately, divorce lawyers can help people get out of unhappy marriages regardless of their financial situation.
How Financial Success May Impact Divorce
In a recent study about finances and divorce, economists found that financially successful married women are much more likely to file for divorce if the marriage is not working out. Women earning top salaries in the workforce have greater financial freedom and the ability to support themselves and their children without help from a spouse. A significant paycheck often permits a more flexible working arrangement, increased leave time, affordable schools and childcare, and money for a mortgage and household expenses.
Indiana Divorce Lawyers Offer Solutions Regardless of Financial Status
Although divorce can create additional financial difficulties for spouses who are already experiencing money problems, experienced divorce lawyers in Indiana often offer solutions to help spouses divorce whether they are financially successful or struggling to make ends meet. In some cases, an attorney can file a motion to request that the more financially stable spouse pay attorney’s fees for the lower-income spouse. Additionally, lower-income spouses may be eligible for temporary spousal maintenance payments and child support while the divorce case is pending and for a set period of time after the divorce is final.
Indiana Divorce Laws
In Indiana, it takes at least 60 days before the court can finalize a divorce. Once the divorce is filed, the court can issue temporary orders, but the actual divorce decree can not be finalized until 60 days after the filing date.
At the time of filing a petition for dissolution, at least one party must have been a resident of Indiana or stationed at a U.S. military installation within Indiana for six months immediately preceding the filing of the petition. The petition for dissolution must be filed in the county of residence with the county clerk’s office.
Before a final Decree of Dissolution can be issued by the court, all spousal issues related to the division of property and assets, alimony, child support, and child custody must be decided and included as part of the final Decree of Dissolution.
Marital Fault
Indiana is primarily a no-fault state, meaning that the court can grant a divorce to either spouse on grounds of an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. Neither spouse has to be at-fault for the divorce. However, the court can assign fault when there is an established felony conviction, impotence, or incurable insanity for a period of at least two years. When these conditions exist, Indiana divorce lawyers can provide records and paperwork to show proof of at-fault conditions to the court.
Spousal Filing
Either spouse may file for divorce in Indiana. One spouse may serve the other spouse by certified or registered mail, personal service by the sheriff’s office, or private service. The filing spouse has more time to seek legal advice from divorce lawyers who can prepare proper documentation. The filing spouse must establish reasons for the dissolution of the marriage, as well as desired demands of the other spouse.
When filing for divorce, it may not be necessary to go to court. With help from Indiana divorce lawyers, spouses may be able to resolve divorce issues through mediation and settlement conferences. If spouses are unable to reach an agreement on all divorce issues, the court will set the remaining matters for a final hearing or trial, where presence is mandatory. The court will hear evidence from both spouses, issue a ruling, and grant a final divorce decree.