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What Radiologists Are Missing Could Cost Your Life [infographic]

When radiologists make errors with x-rays, MRIs and ultrasounds they put their patients’ health, and lives, at risk. Failing to detect or report abnormalities found with imaging procedures is considered medical negligence. When patients’ outcomes are negatively affected by this negligence, they or their loved ones could consider filing a medical malpractice claim. (Article continues below infographic) ______ Radiologist Malpractice…

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Coming Away from Surgery with Extra Parts [infographic]

Going through the experience of surgery is hard enough, but when surgeons make the mistake of leaving surgical items in patients’ bodies, the health consequences are serious and could be deadly. Available technology, including sponges with electronic tracking devices, could reduce the number of such incidents. (Article continues below infographic) ______ Common Objects Left in the Body after Surgery During…

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Using Anesthesia and Sedatives on Young Children [infographic]

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning on the use of general anesthetics and sedation drugs during procedures or surgeries on pregnant women and children under the age of three. Lengthy or repeated use could interfere with the development of young children’s brains. Affected children could require specialized medical care and special accommodations for the rest of…

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Inappropriate Prescribing of Mental Health Drugs All Too Common [infographic]

Inappropriate prescribing of psychotropic drugs is all too common and this can be attributed to increased off-label prescribing, under-treatment, polypharmacy (prescribing multiple drugs to the same individual at once), and the prescribing of psychiatric drugs by non-specialists such as nurse practitioners, general practitioners, and others untrained in the field of psychiatry. (Article continues below infographic) ______ In many cases, patients…

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