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Family Law

How to Get Divorced in Indiana

Getting a divorce in Indiana requires specific filing documents, service of process, and financial disclosures. Filing for an Indiana Divorce Indiana courts refer to a divorce proceeding as a “dissolution of marriage.” To obtain a legal divorce, courts require a...

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Does Mental Health Impact Child Custody Determinations in Indiana?

In Indiana child custody cases, the court determines legal custody based on several factors, including the mental and physical health of both parents. Mental health issues can impact child custody, visitation, and parental rights. Indiana Child Custody Every year, thousands of couples terminate their marriages with divorce. While some divorces are agreeable, others may become hostile with disputes over property…

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Can Technology Make Co-Parenting Easier?

Co-parenting apps are effective tools that help couples build better family relationships through communication during and after divorce. Co-Parenting Apps Improve Communication When couples with children divorce, co-parenting can present numerous problems especially for parents who do not get along or go through high-conflict divorces with a family law attorney. To ease the stress of divorce and shared custody, technology…

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The Link Between Addiction and Divorce

Excessive consumption of alcohol by a spouse often leads to the breakdown of a marriage due to problems with communication, finances, intimacy, trust, and violent behaviors. Marriage With an Addicted Spouse Living with a spouse who is addicted to alcohol often creates turmoil in the home and the marriage. According to the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, nearly…

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What You Should Know About Post-Nuptial Agreements in Indiana [infographic]

Post-nuptial agreements drawn up by spouses after they marry can provide substantial legal protections due to more restricted terms of the agreement. Understanding Post-Nuptial Agreements When couples decide to marry, they often choose to enter into pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreements to provide guidelines for control of finances, assets, and debts. If controversy arises regarding a pre-nuptial agreement, signed prior to…

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Dividing Pensions and Retirement Accounts in an Indiana Divorce

When a couple files for divorce in Indiana, equitable distribution laws impact the division of all marital property including pensions and retirement accounts unless the couple has a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. Indiana Equitable Distribution Laws When a married couple decides to divorce in some states, marital property, assets, and debts are divided evenly in a 50/50 split. However, in…

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Help for High-Conflict Custody Cases

When divorce leads to conflicts with child custody issues, a parallel parenting plan can minimize parental contact and improve communication between spouses. What Is Parallel Parenting? A parallel parenting plan is often used in child custody cases where parents have trouble getting along with each other. While most co-parenting plans allow spouses to communicate and work out agreeable solutions for…

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Divorcing a Millionaire

Multiple assets, financial holdings, and company stock plans can make divorcing a millionaire a complicated legal process. Protecting Assets When Millions Are at Stake Divorces are often tedious and complex, especially when couples have been married a long time or have acquired significant wealth during the marriage. For many couples, the division of marital assets and debts can be very…

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Emergency Custody: When Your Child Is in Danger

When a child is in danger, parents can make a report with child services to prompt an investigation and an emergency child custody hearing. Filing for Emergency Custody When a divorce involves children, child custody and support become important parts of the divorce decree. Whether child custody is shared or assigned to one parent, situations may arise that put the…

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