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Steps to minimize car accident risk for teenagers

On Behalf of | Jan 9, 2025 | Car Accidents

You have lots on your hands if you are parenting a teenager–we know that ourselves, but have you thought about the risks of driving? The early teenage years are when most kids start talking about getting their permits and learning to drive. They not only want to go from A to B by themselves, but they also want to look cool.

So what is a parent to do? It is important to know what your teenager is thinking, so you can speak with them at their level, hopefully without judgment (it helps) to explain the real dangers, especially if no one close to you, them or your family or friends has experienced an accident.

Encourage safe driving

From the very beginning, start by encouraging safe driving practices. Is there a place, like a vehicle junk yard, where you can take your teenager to see what cars look like after accidents? This is an effective exercise because it allows your teenager to see “the aftermath” before it happens. Of course, you can walk him through what you think happened, or ask the people there to help you in your quest for showing your teen a post-accident vehicle.

Driver’s Ed

Nowadays everyone takes driver’s education, and that is for a reason. Comprehensive courses and educational programs provide knowledge and skills. Look for programs that emphasize aggressive driving, defensive driving, how to recognize hazards and the consequences of reckless behavior.

Rules and communication

Once your teenager can drive, impose the appropriate rules (respecting speed limits and other ordinances), prohibiting the use of cellphones and the potentially deadly consequences of drunk driving.

By taking these steps you are on your way to having a teenager that not only drives, but drives responsibly and knows what they must do. Remind them that this age will pass, with its peer pressures to “look” a certain way or act a certain way, but the consequences of a car accident can last forever.


