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Langer & Langer Legal Blog

How Long After a Birth Injury Can You Sue in Indiana?

In Indiana, generally, an injured party has two years from the date of the alleged neglect, act, or omission to file a lawsuit. However, Indiana has made an exception for injuries to children. In Indiana, a special statute states that a minor less than six (6) years of age has until the minor’s eighth birthday to file a lawsuit. If…

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How Long Does It Take to Get a Car Accident Settlement?

Car accident settlements can take several months to several years depending on specific factors in the case, including how the accident occurred, who is at fault for the accident, and the extent of personal injuries and property damages. In most cases, car accident claims never proceed to court. Instead, damages are typically paid through a settlement. Understanding Car Accident Settlements Personal…

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How To Find the Best Medical Malpractice Lawyers Near Me

Medical malpractice law is a complicated, specialized area.  When patient injuries occur, doctors, nurses, specialists, and technicians are represented by tough, aggressive insurance companies and lawyers on the hospital’s payroll.  Finding the right lawyer can mean the difference between winning and losing a case. Medical Malpractice: Finding the Right Lawyer Medical malpractice cases are intensely complicated due to injuries caused…

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How Do I Pay for an Indiana Personal Injury Lawyer

Payment of a personal injury lawyer is linked to which side of the case the lawyer represents: the injury victim or the person who caused the injury. Legal Fees for Personal Injury Cases In personal injury cases, lawyers and their clients have a certain amount of freedom in negotiating legal fees for services rendered. However, it is typically connected to whether…

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How To File for Divorce in Indiana

Knowing how to file for divorce in Indiana and understanding what to expect can help the process go more smoothly. While there are steps that are usually involved in filing for divorce, issues may arise that require deviation from the norm. Divorce lawyers can help...

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When To Hire a Birth Injury Lawyer

If medical malpractice during pregnancy or childbirth caused a child to suffer birth injuries, hiring a birth injury lawyer and filing a claim for compensation can help parents hold negligent parties accountable. Birth Injuries: Causes and Effects In the United States, 1 in 33 children are born with birth injuries or defects, affecting about 120,000 babies each year. Depending on…

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Birth Injury Malpractice? You May Have a Claim

Parents of children born with cerebral palsy may be able to bring a medical malpractice claim against negligent healthcare providers. Cerebral palsy, a severe motor disability, is a common birth injury caused by oxygen deprivation to the brain during childbirth. The Impact of Cerebral Palsy Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common motor disability found in children. It impacts the body’s…

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5 Facts About Medical Malpractice

Errors and negligent actions made by medical professionals are the third leading cause of patient deaths in the United States. Patients Face High Risks for Injury and Death When illness, disease, or injury occurs, patients trust their physicians and specialists with medical treatments and procedures that will improve their health conditions. However, statistics show that 195,000 patients die in U.S.hospitals each year…

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Speed Plays a Key Role in Traffic Safety

Despite numerous studies reporting the negative impact of high speeds on roads and highways, many states have continued to raise posted speed limits. Speed: A Major Factor in Traffic Deaths In 1995, U.S. legislation repealed the national maximum speed limit of 55 mph on interstate highways. This action provided complete freedom for states to set their speed limits with disregard for…

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Who Pays When a Cop Shoots a Citizen?

When citizens are injured by unwarranted police shootings, police officers are held accountable for damages through civil lawsuits and payouts to injury victims. Police Shootings in the Spotlight In the last decade, the number of ordinary citizens involved in police shootings has put a national spotlight on police misconduct and police reform. After Rodney King’s 1991 beating by the Los…

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Attorneys Michael A. Langer and Steven A. Langer